
We're taking a short break

Our consulting rooms will be unattended while the team at GAALS takes a short break.

We return on 1 July 2024.


If you need to make an appointment, the easiest way to book is to use our online booking form – you can browse and book the time that suits you best.

If you need to change an existing appointment, please send us a message.

Other Enquiries

We will be checking messages regularly, so if you need to get in touch please email, or call and leave a voicemail. We will respond to any urgent enquiries, and follow up other messages when we return.

If you need urgent health care or advice, please contact your usual GP.

In an emergency, you should go to your nearest hospital emergency department or call 000.

Thanks for your understanding while our rooms are unattended. I look forward to welcoming you back to GAALS when we return.


We're taking a short break

The team at GAALS will be having some well-earned rest next week, and our consulting rooms won’t be attended on some days and times between 18 and 22 September 2023.


If you need to make an appointment, the easiest way to book is to use our online booking form – you can browse and book the time that suits you best.

If you need to change an existing appointment, please send us a message.

Other Enquiries

We will be checking messages regularly, so if you need to get in touch please send a message, or call and leave a voicemail. We will respond to any urgent enquiries promptly, and follow up other messages during the week.

If you need urgent health care or advice, please contact your usual GP. In an emergency, you should go to your nearest hospital emergency department or call 000.

Thanks for your understanding while we take a short break.


We're taking a short break

The team at GAALS has been particularly busy this year, moving into our brand new consulting rooms in April, and working solidly since that time.

Our consulting rooms will be unattended while we take a short break to recharge our batteries. We return on 14 November 2022.


If you need to make an appointment, the easiest way to book is to use our online booking form – you can browse and book the time that suits you best.

If you need to change an existing appointment, please send us a message.

Other Enquiries

We will be checking messages regularly, so if you need to get in touch please send a message, or call and leave a voicemail. We will respond to any urgent enquiries, and follow up other messages when we return.

If you need urgent health care or advice, please contact your usual GP. In an emergency, you should go to your nearest hospital emergency department or call 000.

Thanks for your understanding while we take a break. I look forward to welcoming you back to GAALS soon.


Season's greetings

GAALS logo with Christmas tree

At the end of what has been a challenging and busy year, I'd like to thank my patients and referring GPs for their continued support.


Next year promises to be a year of growth and change, but more about that soon!


GAALS will be closed from 24 December, and we will reopen on 10 January 2022 following the Christmas and New Year period


If you need to make an appointment, the easiest way to book is by using our online booking form. You can browse and book the time that suits you best.


Wishing you and your families a safe and peaceful festive season.


Taking a short break

We are taking a short break and our consulting rooms will be unattended until 8 November 2021.


If you need to make an appointment, the easiest way to book is to use our online booking form – you can browse and book the time that suits you best.

If you need to change an existing appointment, please email us.

Other Enquiries

We will be checking messages regularly, so if you need to get in touch please email, or call and leave a voicemail. We will respond to any urgent enquiries as soon as possible, and follow up other messages when we return.

If you need urgent health care or advice, please contact your usual GP. In an emergency, present to your nearest hospital emergency department or call 000.

Thanks for your understanding while we take a short break to recharge our batteries. I look forward to welcoming you back to GAALS from 8 November 2021.


Happy New Year!

The Ramsay Specialist Centre is in the Greenslopes Private Hospital precinct.

The Ramsay Specialist Centre is in the Greenslopes Private Hospital precinct.

I hope everyone has had a great start to the New Year, and that 2017 brings good health and much happiness! After a short break over the festive season, GAALS has re-opened in our new Greenslopes location.

Our new consulting rooms are:
Suite 208, Ramsay Specialist Centre
Newdegate Street

Information about the location, including public transport and parking is on our contact page. Our phone and fax numbers remain the same, and the the new address will be sent out in the usual sms and email reminders prior to all appointments.

I look forward to seeing you at Greenslopes.


Farewell Spring Hill, Hello Greenslopes

This is the last week I am consulting from the Watkins Medical Centre in Spring Hill. While I have really enjoyed the central city location, I am very excited to be consulting from the Ramsay Specialist Centre at Greenslopes Private Hospital in 2017.  I think my patients will find Greenslopes to be a really convenient location, with more accessible parking and access to all the hospital facilities.

All appointments from the start of January 2017 will be at:
Suite 208, Ramsay Specialist Centre
Newdegate Street

I will be sending out the usual email and SMS appointment reminders that will include the Greenslopes address. I have also asked my referring GPs to update their address books with my new consulting rooms location.

Information on how to find the Ramsay Specialist Centre and Greenslopes Hospital is on the Contact Us page.

GAALS is closed for the Christmas/New Year period from 23 December 2016 and reopens on 9 January 2017.

Wishing you a wonderful, safe and happy Christmas and looking forward to seeing you in 2017.


Polycystic ovarian syndrome

If you have Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) you are not alone.  This condition affects between 1 in 10 and 1 in 20 women of reproductive age.  The impact may be far reaching, and may influence emotional state, body weight and relationships.

What is Polycystic ovarian syndrome?
The diagram below represents the contributing factors:

  • Menstrual dysfunction includes irregular or infrequent periods.
  • Hyperandrogenism includes bad acne or body hair growth in abnormal distributions. 
  • Polycystic ovaries may be detected on pelvic ultrasound. 

To be diagnosed with PCOS, you may not necessarily have all these features, but symptoms from at least two categories must be present.

How is PCOS diagnosed?
Diagnosis will usually follow a discussion of symptoms and medical history with your doctor, ultrasound imaging as well as blood tests. 

Can it be treated?
Unfortunately there is no quick fix for this condition.  The key to managing PCOS is to make lifestyle changes by eating healthily and moderately and regular exercise.   Weight loss may also reduce the risk of associated diseases like diabetes. 

Hormone therapy such as the oral contraceptive pill may also assist in the management of PCOS.

At GAALS, we can help patients with PCOS and provide advice to manage this condition.  If you have a gynaecological concern and would like an appointment, please call us on 1300 242 257 or click Contact on our website.

Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month


February is Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month.  In Australia, each year about 1300 women will be diagnosed with this disease.  The cause is unknown.  A small percentage of women (5-10%) will have a genetic predisposition to develop ovarian cancer.  Genetic testing may be helpful if you have a strong family history of ovarian cancer, breast cancer, endometrial or colon cancer.

Symptoms of ovarian cancer are often vague and may include bloating, lower abdominal discomfort, weight loss, decreased appetite or urinary frequency.  These symptoms can also often be present in many other less serious conditions, and that is why diagnosis of ovarian cancer may be difficult or delayed.

Unfortunately there is no screening test available that can detect early ovarian cancer or prevent it from occurring.   We encourage women to be aware of any changes within their bodies and to seek medical attention and advice if they have concerns.

More information is available at:

Although at GAALS we do not offer treatment for women with confirmed ovarian cancer*, we do see women for ovarian cysts and other gynaecological concerns.  If you have a gynaecological concern and would like to see us, please call 1300 242 257 or click Contact on our website for further information.

*If you have diagnosed ovarian cancer you should be under the care of a gynaecological oncologist.


New Year’s resolutions every woman should make (and keep!)

Now that it’s February, 2016 is well and truly underway.  January seems to go by in a bit of a blur, so now it’s time to get serious about your new year’s resolutions.

As women we often have so many things to juggle. However, our health should never be neglected. The following are three resolutions I think every woman should make:

1.     Keep up to date with your pap smears

Let’s be honest, as women, we really don’t like having pap smears.  The procedure may be uncomfortable and some women may feel embarrassed.  However, having regular pap smears is really important, as it is a screening test for cervical cancer.  Pap smears can detect abnormal cells on the cervix, and these can then often be easily treated.  The pap smear registry will remind you when your next pap smear is due, so if you receive a reminder, don’t put it off. 

2.     Fit some exercise into your daily routine

It is very easy to make excuses for not doing any exercise.  Many health concerns may be lifestyle-related, so it is important that we make time for regular exercise.  The easiest way to do this is to try to fit some exercise into your daily routine, such as taking the stairs or walking to work.  That way it won’t seem like something extra to ‘fit in’. 

3.     Don’t put off those annoying female problems, such as heavy or painful periods, any longer

If you find yourself dreading ‘that time of the month’, then it’s important you do something about it.  Many women suffer from period problems such as very heavy or painful periods.  There are treatments available to help manage your periods, including hormonal or surgical options.  So if you find your periods are problematic, please see your doctor about it.

At GAALS these are all common conditions we see everyday and we would be happy to help you with any of your gynaecological concerns.  If you have a gynaecological concern and would like to see us, please call 1300 242 257 or click Contact on our website for further information.