Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month


February is Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month.  In Australia, each year about 1300 women will be diagnosed with this disease.  The cause is unknown.  A small percentage of women (5-10%) will have a genetic predisposition to develop ovarian cancer.  Genetic testing may be helpful if you have a strong family history of ovarian cancer, breast cancer, endometrial or colon cancer.

Symptoms of ovarian cancer are often vague and may include bloating, lower abdominal discomfort, weight loss, decreased appetite or urinary frequency.  These symptoms can also often be present in many other less serious conditions, and that is why diagnosis of ovarian cancer may be difficult or delayed.

Unfortunately there is no screening test available that can detect early ovarian cancer or prevent it from occurring.   We encourage women to be aware of any changes within their bodies and to seek medical attention and advice if they have concerns.

More information is available at:



Although at GAALS we do not offer treatment for women with confirmed ovarian cancer*, we do see women for ovarian cysts and other gynaecological concerns.  If you have a gynaecological concern and would like to see us, please call 1300 242 257 or click Contact on our website for further information.

*If you have diagnosed ovarian cancer you should be under the care of a gynaecological oncologist.