Taking maternity leave

This week I commenced maternity leave for the birth of my second child. After a short break I will return to GAALS on 28 August 2018.


While I am away my receptionists will be able to take messages and arrange appointments for my return.

If current patients need more urgent attention and cannot wait for me to return, I have arranged for a few colleagues at Greenslopes Private Hospital to provide care while I am away. Current patients can call my rooms on 07 3067 7086 and my receptionists will be able to make arrangements for them to be seen more urgently. In an emergency, patients should always present to their closest hospital emergency department.

New patients can contact my rooms by phone 07 3067 7086, by clicking Book Now or by emailing reception@gaals.com.au and my receptionists can either make an appointment as soon as possible after 28 August 2018, or recommend another gynaecologist who will be able to see them in the meantime. If new patients wish to see one of my colleagues, they can use the referral that is addressed to me (it is not necessary to have a referral addressed to the other doctor).

I want to thank my patients for their understanding while I am away. Since I established GAALS in 2016, I’m pleased to have received overwhelmingly positive feedback from patients about their care. I look forward to seeing everyone soon.

- Amy

Keeping up to date over the Easter break

I’ll be taking a short break in the lead up to Easter to attend a conference on Reproductive Endocrinology, Infertility and Menopause hosted by the Harvard Medical School in Boston, USA. I look forward to updating you with some of my key learnings when I return.

Keeping up to date with the latest research and clinical techniques is essential to provide the best level of care for my patients.

While I am away, my receptionists will be able to take bookings for when I return, and I’ll still receive any important messages. I've arranged with a few colleagues to see any of my existing patients who present to Greenslopes Hospital Emergency in need of more urgent care.

I have scheduled some additional consulting sessions for when I return to make sure all my patients can be seen in a timely manner.

I hope you have a happy and safe Easter, and look forward to seeing you in a few weeks.

- Amy

Season's Greetings from GAALS

Season's Greetings from GAALS

At the end of another incredibly busy year, I'd like to thank my patients and network of referring GPs for their support of GAALS in 2017.

With the move to the Ramsay Specialist Centre in Greenslopes Private Hospital this year, GAALS has continued to grow. I'm pleased to be able to offer personalised and patient-centered care in such a modern and convenient location.

In 2018 I hope to increase my availability to give patients more options for appointment times and make sure I can continue to offer prompt attention to my patient's needs.

GAALS will be closing on 22 December 2017 and will reopen on 2 January 2018. 

I wish you all a very Merry Christmas and look forward to seeing you next year.

- Amy

Why I soon won’t be performing pap smears

Pap smears are the current recommended screening test for cervical cancer. In Australia, the guidelines recommend all sexually active women have a pap smear every 2 years, from the age of 18.

From 1 December 2017, the National Cervical Screening Program will change from the two-yearly pap smear test to a five-yearly human papillomavirus (HPV) test.

Pap smears will soon be replaced by a new cervical screening test, which looks for the presence of high risk strains of HPV DNA. Cervical screening will occur every 5 years (if your HPV DNA test is negative), with screening starting at age 25.

Why is the new test better than a pap smear?

HPV DNA is a very good method of cervical screening, as the majority of cervical cancers are caused by high risk strains of HPV. If a woman tests negative for high risk strains of HPV, she is statistically very unlikely to develop cervical cancer within the 5 years following the test. The HPV test is more sensitive than pap smears, and will detect high grade lesions earlier, thus helping to prevent cervical cancer developing.

What does this mean for me?

Up until 1 December 2017, you should continue to have your pap smear when it is due. After this time, instead of a pap smear, you will have a cervical screening test for HPV DNA. This test is collected in the same way as a pap smear.

If you test negative for HPV DNA, then you will have a repeat test in 5 years. If you test positive for HPV DNA, then you may require further investigation. 

Contraception 101: Permanent Methods of Contraception

Many patients come to see me for advice about contraception. There’s never one right answer as everyone has different needs, and most patients first discuss the options with their mums, friends and of course Dr Google!

In this third and final part of the Contraception 101 series, I'll present an overview of the permanent methods of contraception.

Permanent Methods of Contraception

For patients who want permanent contraception, surgical options are sometimes a solution. 

Female sterilisation can usually be performed through key hole surgery and involves either small clips being placed across the fallopian tubes (which connect the ovary to the uterus), or complete removal of the fallopian tubes. These procedures require general anaesthetic. Both are permanent and irreversible procedures, and are usually requested by women who have no desire for fertility and who don’t want to or are unable to use other forms of contraception. Some recent studies suggest that ovarian cancer may actually arise from the fallopian tube, so removal of the fallopian tubes may have this additional benefit compared to use of sterilisation from clips.

In the Contraception 101 series, I've outlined the most common types of contraception I discuss with my patients. It's important that you find a contraceptive that is convenient and reliable, and suits your needs. There are other options available and these can be discussed with your GP or gynaecologist.

Contraception 101: Intra-Uterine Devices, Implants and Injections

Many patients come to see me for advice about contraception. There’s never one right answer as everyone has different needs, and most patients first discuss the options with their mums, friends and of course Dr Google!

In this second part of the Contraception 101 series, I'll present an overview of intra-uterine contraceptive devices (IUDs), implants and injections.

Intra-Uterine Devices, Implants and Injections

IUDs are devices that are inserted through the cervix and sit inside the uterus. The implanon is an implant that is inserted just under the skin of the upper arm and Depo Provera is given by an intra-muscular injection. These are useful contraceptives as they are long-acting (IUDs and implants last 3-5 years), reversible and also very reliable, as the user doesn't have to remember to take a tablet or do anything else once the IUD or implant is inserted, or following their injection.

The Mirena is a commonly used IUD.  Apart from being a contraceptive, the Mirena is also very useful for helping to manage heavy and painful periods. The Mirena can be inserted during an appointment with local anaesthetic, however some patients prefer or require insertion of the Mirena under a general anaesthetic in day surgery. After insertion, irregular bleeding is quite common initially, however this usually settles within 3-6 months.

The Implanon is a rod that is inserted just under the skin in the upper arm. It lasts for three years after insertion and, like the Mirena, is a reliable and reversible form of contraception. It also has the side effect of irregular bleeding. The Implanon may be an option for you if you simply need contraception, and prefer not to have the initial discomfort associated with insertion of an IUD.

The Copper IUD is another type of intra-uterine contraceptive device, however it does not contain any hormones. Patients who request a Copper IUD may wish to avoid contraceptives containing hormones for various reasons, but at the same time want a reversible and reliable contraceptive option. Sometimes periods can seem a little heavier after insertion of a Copper IUD.

Depo Provera is given by an intra-muscular injection every 12 weeks. Some women cease having periods after using Depo, but it may also cause irregular bleeding. After discontinuation of Depo Provera, some women experience a delay in return to fertility of up to 18 months.

You should seek advice from your GP or gynaecologist before making a decision about whether IUDs, implants or injections are the right contraceptive for you. IUD insertion can be accompanied by some minor discomfort, so if you plan to have an IUD inserted, you may wish to take some Panadol and Nurofen two hours prior to your appointment.

In the next and final Contraception 101, I'll provide an overview of permanent (surgical) methods of contraception.

Contraception 101: Oral Contraceptives

Many patients come to see me for advice about contraception. There’s never one right answer as everyone has different needs, and most patients first discuss the options with their mums, friends and of course Dr Google!

In this three part series, Contraception 101, I'll present an overview of some of the options for contraception I discuss with my patients, and explain when I usually recommend each. Today's post covers oral contraceptives.

The Pill

'The Pill' is probably the most common type of contraceptive for women and is often credited as helping to improve the status of women by offering simplicity and effectiveness in birth control. 'The Pill' refers to the combined oral contraceptive pill, which contains synthetic forms of estrogen and progesterone (the hormones produced by the ovaries). The pill is a reliable contraceptive if it is taken daily, at the same time each day. I often recommend the pill as a contraceptive option for women who also want to regulate their periods. There are many different types of the pill (Levlen, Yaz, Diane to name just a few). Some types of the pill may have additional effects such as improved mood or reduced acne. 

The 'mini pill' is a progesterone only pill. It is less reliable as a contraceptive than the combined pill, but is often used in women who are breast feeding or are unable to take estrogen due to problems with blood clots. 

Pros and cons? The pill is non-invasive and can be easily stopped at any time if you experience side effects. Taking the pill also often causes periods to be lighter and less painful. The main drawback is that you have to be able to remember to take a tablet every day.

What works well for one person, may have different effects for another. If you are thinking about starting the pill, you should seek advice from your GP or gynaecologist.

In part two of Contraception 101, I'll cover intra-uterine devices (IUDs), implants and injections.

Happy New Year!

The Ramsay Specialist Centre is in the Greenslopes Private Hospital precinct.

The Ramsay Specialist Centre is in the Greenslopes Private Hospital precinct.

I hope everyone has had a great start to the New Year, and that 2017 brings good health and much happiness! After a short break over the festive season, GAALS has re-opened in our new Greenslopes location.

Our new consulting rooms are:
Suite 208, Ramsay Specialist Centre
Newdegate Street

Information about the location, including public transport and parking is on our contact page. Our phone and fax numbers remain the same, and the the new address will be sent out in the usual sms and email reminders prior to all appointments.

I look forward to seeing you at Greenslopes.


Farewell Spring Hill, Hello Greenslopes

This is the last week I am consulting from the Watkins Medical Centre in Spring Hill. While I have really enjoyed the central city location, I am very excited to be consulting from the Ramsay Specialist Centre at Greenslopes Private Hospital in 2017.  I think my patients will find Greenslopes to be a really convenient location, with more accessible parking and access to all the hospital facilities.

All appointments from the start of January 2017 will be at:
Suite 208, Ramsay Specialist Centre
Newdegate Street

I will be sending out the usual email and SMS appointment reminders that will include the Greenslopes address. I have also asked my referring GPs to update their address books with my new consulting rooms location.

Information on how to find the Ramsay Specialist Centre and Greenslopes Hospital is on the Contact Us page.

GAALS is closed for the Christmas/New Year period from 23 December 2016 and reopens on 9 January 2017.

Wishing you a wonderful, safe and happy Christmas and looking forward to seeing you in 2017.


Season's Greetings from GAALS

christmas tree.png

The end of the year is rapidly approaching, and I’d like to thank everyone for their support of GAALS in 2016, and wish you all a safe and happy festive season.

In my first year at GAALS, I’m pleased to have been able to provide high quality and evidence-based patient care, and also to see most patients within one or two weeks of them making an appointment. I’m really looking forward to continuing this in 2017.

GAALS will be closed from the 23 December 2016 and reopen on 10 January 2017. I wish you all a very Merry Christmas and look forward to seeing you in 2017.


New Consulting Rooms for 2017

I’m excited to mention that from the start of 2017, I will be consulting from the Ramsay Specialist Centre, adjacent to Greenslopes Private Hospital. I will continue to operate at Greenslopes Private Hospital. Consulting and operating from Greenslopes allows me to centralise and integrate patient care, and gives my patients the convenience of more parking and access to the fantastic Greenslopes Private Hospital facilities. The GAALS website will be updated with the new address details shortly, and patients with appointments from January 2017 onwards will receive an email and text message with the address and location details.